For starters, I only have 30 minutes to write this week, so I want to apologize for not writing any of you personally, but you will understand why in a minute!
Last Monday after our Pday, our President called and told my companion, Hermana Lopez, that he needed her to change areas. Now usually we have changes every month and a half, and when it is just a change in the middle of that, we call them "emergency changes". So that is what this was. He told her he needed her to pack and leave first thing in the morning to a new area.
So we said our goodbyes, and on Tuesday, I got my new companion. Her name is Hermana Nichols, and she is from Utah too! She lives close to Orem. So this week has been so fun getting to know her, and also when we come home for the night, we talk in English. (Dont worry, we talk in spanish the WHOLE day). The good part was that she already knew the memebers and the area, because this was her first area in the mission, then she came back! Which usually never happens, but it was so cool to see how many members she had such an impact on. She is SO great.
Then on Thursday, we had an interview with Fresia for her baptism, and she PASSED! Wahoo. It was SUCH a blessing for us. So we scheduled her baptism for the 29th of June. We were SO excited to help her make this promise with her Heavenly Father, and not only that, it was so hard to help her to this point because of her memory, but with MANY prayers and fasting she was finally making this step in her life. Also, this day we visited Alejandra, one of our young investigators with the baby. She said that she felt like God really wanted her to move out of her boyfriends house, and asked us if we could help her move on Saturday. We were SO happy for her and said YES of course! She is a golden investigator, seriously. And because she wouldnt be living with her boyfriend anymore, that meant that she could be baptized. So we set a date with her for the 6th of July. We were feeling SO blessed!
On Friday morning, Our president called and told us that there was going to be an "emergency change" AGAIN. He said that he needed me to move to a different area. But, because he is the best president ever, he said he was going to wait until after our baptism with Fresia to change us. My heart was a little broken, because I have been in this area for ALL of my mission. My family is here with these people! How could I leave? And not only that, Alejandra was going to be baptized the next week, and she is an investigator SO special to me.
So we talked with our zone leaders to see if there was any way we could baptize Alejandra this Saturday because we were already going to be having a service. They said that it wasn't really possible, because she needs to be living away from her boyfriend for a least a week, but they said they would ask for us anyway.
Later that day they called with the BEST news EVER! Alejandra was going to be baptized before I left!!!!
On Saturday we helped Alejandra move, and ALL of the ward piched in. It was such a great example of service.
On Sunday we had BOTH baptisms and they were BEAUTIFUL. I was crying the whole time. Especially because of the faith of Alejandra.
And now, I am off to my new area!
I love you all, thank you for your support!
Hermana Watt
NOTE FROM AMBER: Kam let me know today that she was part of what is called an emergency transfer. Her new companion is Hermana Burrwasser. They are part of opening a brand new area. She is so excited to be part of it.
Her new area is Recreo. See pictures below.
Herman Watt and Hermana Burrwasser when they were in the MTC
Alajandra, Hermana Watt and Hermana Nichols
Sister Watt, Fresia and Sister Nichols